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Transform Your Footage
into Captivating Stories

Shooting content

Elevate Your Content,
Captivate Your Audience

Transform your raw footage into captivating stories that engage and resonate. Perfect for YouTubers, businesses, and documentary makers looking to leave a lasting impact without getting bogged down by the intricacies of video editing.

Customised Editing
for Every Vision

Your passion deserves the spotlight. Offload the editing grind and let your content shine across every medium. From impactful business videos to deep-dive documentaries, your stories are tailored to keep your audience hooked.

Versatile Expertise,
Seamless Collaboration

Navigate through the world of Davinci Resolve, Premiere Pro, and FCPX with ease. Tailored editing solutions ensure your vision comes to life, engaging your audience with every frame. It's not just about editing; it's about crafting narratives that stick.



From Vision to Virality

Book a Consultation:

It all starts with a conversation. Let's talk about your vision and goals.

Understand the Vision:

We dive deep into understanding what you want to achieve and how you envision your final product.

Gather and Organise Footage:

Send us your footage, and we'll meticulously index and categorise it for efficient editing.

Craft the Storyline:

We build a narrative that aligns with your vision, ensuring your message is clear and engaging.


Review and Refine:

You'll review the draft and provide feedback. Your satisfaction is paramount, and we fine-tune it until it's perfect.

Final Delivery:

Receive your polished video, ready to captivate your audience and drive engagement.

Achieve Growth:

With your compelling content, watch your following expand and your engagement soar.


Elevate Your Content, Engage Your Audience


Unlock affordable, top-tier video editing that transforms your vision into captivating stories. Dive into a world where every frame resonates with your audience, thanks to masterful storytelling and vibrant colour grading. Collaborate seamlessly across platforms, enhancing your content's impact without stretching your budget. Experience the power of professional editing—where your content not only looks great but feels alive, keeping your viewers hooked from start to finish.

Ready to Transform Your Footage into Engagement?

Don't let the dread of editing keep you from telling your story and growing your audience. Let's partner to turn your visions into engaging realities that captivate, resonate, and inspire action. 

What Does an Editing
Package Look Like?

Here is a typical YouTuber package.

4 Long Form Videos per Month

Each video has a watch time of 10 - 12 minutes per video.


3 Short Form Videos per Week

Each video has a watch time of 1 - 3 minutes, edited in the vertical aspect ratio (TikTok, Reels, YouTube Shorts)

All assets Dropboxed in the highest resolution and output would be in HD (1080)

from £799 ex vat

Each client is different, and each project is tailored around them and their editing needs. 

Start your
Journey with us 

Embark on a journey to elevate your digital presence and captivate your audience like never before. Start your project with us today, and let's bring your vision to life, ensuring your message resonates far and wide. Don't just dream about potential—make it a reality.

Latest Insights


Berti is great to work with, very collaborative and able to explain highly technical issues in layman terms. He is also a very talented photographer and videographer, again very good at putting people at ease and getting the best out of them. Highly recommended!
Kajsa Lucas, Director - Channel Marketing
Federated Hermes
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