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Why LinkedIn is the Social Media Platform that Business Owners Shouldn't Ignore

Updated: Jul 13, 2023

Digital Marketing Collective: The Rise of Authenticity-focused Social Media Platforms:

The Rise of Authenticity-focused Social Media Platforms: How LinkedIn is Changing the Game for Businesses


Social media has become an integral part of modern business, providing a platform for companies to connect with customers, promote their products and services, and build their brand. However, with the rise of bots and artificial intelligence, the authenticity of social media has been called into question. This has led to the growth of platforms like LinkedIn, which prioritise genuine connections and authenticity over automated interactions. In this article, we will analyse the current state of social media, its impact on businesses, and how platforms like LinkedIn are revolutionising the way companies interact with their audience.


Over the past decade, social media has evolved from a simple communication tool to a powerful marketing platform for businesses. Companies of all sizes can now reach a global audience, engage with customers, and generate leads through platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. However, this rapid growth has also led to several challenges, including the rise of bots and artificial intelligence, which can create fake engagement and undermine the authenticity of social media interactions.

In response to these challenges, platforms like LinkedIn have emerged, focusing on providing a more genuine experience for users and businesses. LinkedIn, primarily known as a professional networking site, has become increasingly popular among companies looking to build their brand, generate leads, and establish thought leadership. The platform's focus on authenticity and genuine connections has made it an attractive alternative to other social media platforms plagued by bots and fake engagement.


There are several factors contributing to the downturn of traditional social media platforms and the rise of authenticity-focused platforms like LinkedIn. These factors include:

  1. User fatigue: Many social media users are growing tired of the constant barrage of promotional content and fake engagement on platforms like Facebook and Twitter. This has led to a decline in user trust and engagement, making it more difficult for businesses to effectively reach their target audience.

  2. Algorithm changes: Social media platforms frequently update their algorithms to prioritise content that generates genuine engagement. This has made it increasingly challenging for businesses to maintain visibility on these platforms without resorting to paid advertising or questionable tactics like using bots to inflate engagement metrics.

  3. The demand for authenticity: As consumers become more discerning, they are increasingly seeking out genuine interactions and authentic content. Platforms like LinkedIn, which prioritize real connections and high-quality content, are well-positioned to meet this demand and provide businesses with a more effective way to engage with their audience.

As a result of these factors, businesses are turning to platforms like LinkedIn to build their brand and engage with their target audience in a more authentic way. LinkedIn offers several features that make it an attractive option for businesses, including:

  • Professional focus: LinkedIn's professional user base makes it an ideal platform for businesses looking to connect with potential clients, partners, and employees.

  • High-quality content: LinkedIn's emphasis on thought leadership and knowledge-sharing encourages users to create and share high-quality, informative content, which can help businesses establish credibility and authority in their industry.

  • Advanced targeting options: LinkedIn's advertising platform offers advanced targeting options, allowing businesses to reach a highly relevant audience based on factors like job title, industry, and company size.

Case Studies

Several businesses have successfully leveraged LinkedIn's authenticity-focused approach to social media to achieve their marketing goals. Some examples include:

  1. HubSpot: The inbound marketing software company HubSpot has used LinkedIn to establish itself as a thought leader in the marketing industry. By sharing high-quality, informative content and engaging with their audience, HubSpot has built a loyal following on LinkedIn and generated significant leads for their business.

  2. Microsoft: Tech giant Microsoft has utilised LinkedIn to connect with professionals in the technology industry and share insights on topics like artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and cybersecurity. This has helped Microsoft build brand awareness and establish themselves as a leader in the tech space.

  3. Deloitte: Professional services firm Deloitte has used LinkedIn to showcase their expertise in areas like finance, consulting, and risk management. By sharing valuable content and engaging with their audience, Deloitte has been able to build a strong presence on LinkedIn and attract top talent to their organisation.


The rise of authenticity-focused social media platforms like LinkedIn has had a significant impact on the way businesses approach their marketing strategies. As traditional social media platforms face challenges related to user fatigue, algorithm changes, and the demand for authenticity, businesses are increasingly turning to platforms like LinkedIn to build genuine connections with their target audience and achieve their marketing goals. By prioritising authenticity and high-quality content, businesses can leverage the power of social media to build their brand, generate leads, and establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry.


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