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What is the bare minimum to call Digital Marketing

Updated: Jul 13, 2023

Digital Marketing Collective - What is the bare minimum to call Digital Marketing


Digital marketing is one of the most important things you can do to grow your business. You can have an amazing product, but if nobody knows about it, then it won't sell. Even if you have a great following on social media and people are talking about your products—if their friends aren't seeing those posts in their feed, then they're not going to buy from you either!

So what does digital marketing look like? What should a bare minimum digital marketing strategy include? And how much does it cost?

This article will answer all of those questions (and more!).

What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing is a way to reach customers through digital channels. This can include social media, email, and search engine optimization (SEO). It's important to remember that digital marketing isn't just about social media or email -- it's an umbrella term used to describe all of the ways marketers use technology to connect with their audiences.

Digital marketers help companies understand how people interact with their brand online so they can target them more effectively with ads or other types of messaging. For example, if you googled something like "how do I fix my car?" then there's a good chance you saw an ad from AutoZone before your search results appeared on screen! That's because AutoZone knows that people who search for car repair questions tend also want parts for their vehicles--and those are two things they sell at their stores!

The bare minimum digital marketing strategy is made up of email, social media, and search engine optimisation.

The bare minimum digital marketing strategy is made up of email, social media, and search engine optimisation.

Email marketing: Email marketing is all about sending out newsletters to your customers or subscribers with information that they want in an easy-to-read format. You can also send out promotions and offers through email campaigns as well as ask them questions so you can gauge their interest level in certain products or services. Social media: Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter allow you to connect directly with potential clients by sharing content on these sites (such as blog posts) that will resonate with them based on what they've liked in the past. Search engine optimisation: This refers to using code on your website so when someone searches for something relevant within Google's search engine results pages (SERPs), yours appears higher than others because it has been optimised better than those below yours who may have more links coming into their site due to popularity but not necessarily quality content creation skills when compared side by side against yours which may rank lower overall but still gets traffic thanks largely due to great SEO work done beforehand!

Digital Marketing Collective - What is the bare minimum to call Digital Marketing

Email marketing

Email marketing is a great way to reach your target audience. It's also an effective way to sell products, provide information and build relationships with customers.

How do you get started with email marketing? Here are some tips:

  • Set up an email account for your business (or just create one if you don't have one yet). You can use Gmail or Outlook as an example of two popular options out there today--just make sure that when someone clicks on a link in one of your emails, it takes them back to the correct page on your website!

  • Create an email campaign that includes some sort of call-to-action (CTA) so people know what action they should take next after reading through all of the content within each message; this could include anything from clicking through links within certain emails or entering their contact information into forms provided therein so that companies can keep track of who has opted into receiving future messages from them over time."

Social Media Marketing

Social media is a powerful tool for marketing your business. It can help you build a brand, reach new customers and generate leads through content sharing.

Social media strategies can vary based on the business and its goals, but there are some general guidelines that apply to all businesses:

  • Have an editorial calendar with posts scheduled out in advance, so they're not all posted at once or forgotten about until it's too late!

  • Use analytics to track how well each post performs over time--this will help you determine what types of content work best for your audience so that next time around when planning out your social strategy, you'll know what type of posts will resonate with them most strongly (and thus be more likely than others).

SEO and Website Optimization

SEO is the process of improving your website's visibility in search engines. It's an ongoing job that requires constant attention and revision, as Google and other search engines continually change their algorithms to reward high-quality content and penalize low-quality content.

If you want to rank well on Google, you have to start with good content--and not just any old kind of good content: it has to be useful, relevant, accurate and well written (meaning no spelling or grammatical errors). You also need backlinks from other websites pointing back toward yours--but this can be difficult if you don't already have any links pointing at your site!

Digital Marketing Collective - What is the bare minimum to call Digital Marketing

You can do digital marketing on a budget.

You can do digital marketing on a budget.

You don't need to spend a lot of money to get started, and in fact, it's often better if you don't. You can do this yourself or hire a freelancer--and neither option requires any special technical expertise.

Digital marketing is a fast-paced industry and changes often. You'll need to stay on top of things if you want to succeed. But don't worry, we'll help with that too.

We'll teach you the basics of digital marketing, including how to set up a website and get traffic, how to understand your audience and create content they want to read, and how to build an email list. We'll also show you how to write effective headlines that will attract more readers.


We hope this post has helped you understand the basics of digital marketing and how to get started with it. It's not an easy task, but it's one that can be accomplished by anyone who is willing to put in the time and effort required.


Ready to talk about your digital marketing strategy? Let's connect!

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