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The Power of Video Content for Asset Managers in Financial Services

Digital Marketing Collective: The Power of Content for Asset Managers in Financial Services.

In the fast-evolving landscape of financial services, asset managers continuously seek innovative ways to engage their audience, differentiate their brand, and convey complex information in an accessible manner. The digital age has ushered in a transformative medium that remarkably efficiently meets all these needs: video content. Gone are the days when corporate videos served merely as superficial introductions to a company's services. Today, investors demand engaging, relevant, and digestible content that doesn't just inform but also captivates. This blog delves into the burgeoning role of video content in the financial services sector, backed by compelling statistics. It explores how Digital Marketing Collective can effectively empower asset managers to harness this dynamic tool.

The Rise of Video Content in Financial Services

The digital revolution has precipitated a seismic shift in content consumption preferences across all sectors, with financial services no exception. A recent study revealed that video content consumption among internet users has surged by over 120% in the last two years. This trend signals a golden opportunity for asset managers to connect with their audience more profoundly and engagingly. With its ability to simplify complex financial concepts and showcase a brand's personality, video content is becoming an indispensable tool in an asset manager's digital marketing arsenal.

Beyond Corporate Videos: The Evolution of Content

The traditional corporate video, often characterised by its formal tone and surface-level information, no longer suffices in today's dynamic digital environment. Investors are increasingly looking for content that is not just informative but also interesting and engaging. They prefer watching a concise, well-produced video that breaks down complex investment strategies or market trends over sifting through dense, text-heavy PDFs. This shift underscores the need for asset managers to rethink their content strategy and embrace a more versatile and viewer-friendly approach to content creation.

Video Content vs. Video Production: Understanding the Distinction

Asset managers must grasp the difference between video content creation and video production. Video content creation involves conceptualising, scripting, and planning content tailored to the target audience's interests and needs. It's about crafting a message that resonates with viewers and encourages them to engage with the brand. On the other hand, video production is the technical execution of this vision, encompassing filming, editing, and post-production. While high-quality production values are important, they must be guided by a strong, audience-centric content strategy to be effective.

Making It About You: How Digital Marketing Collective Can Help 

At Digital Marketing Collective, we understand the unique challenges and opportunities that asset managers face in the digital landscape. Our approach is focused on making video content work for you, helping you capture your audience's attention and sustain their engagement over time. We specialise in creating bespoke video content strategies that align with your brand's goals and resonate with your target audience. From conceptualising engaging content themes to producing high-quality videos, we're here to guide you every step of the way.

Leveraging Video Content Across Platforms

One of the most significant advantages of video content is its versatility. A well-crafted video can be a powerful tool on your website and across various platforms, including social media, internal communications, and email campaigns. For instance, short, engaging videos can significantly increase engagement rates on social media platforms, making your brand more visible and accessible to potential investors. Video content can be used in email marketing to provide a more personal and engaging touch, leading to higher open and click-through rates. Internally, video can be an effective tool for training and development, helping to disseminate complex information in a more digestible and engaging format.


In the rapidly changing world of financial services, video content emerges as a key differentiator for asset managers. With its ability to engage, inform, and captivate, video content transcends the limitations of traditional corporate videos, offering a dynamic platform for connecting with investors. Understanding the distinction between content creation and production and leveraging video across various platforms can significantly enhance an asset manager's digital presence. At Digital Marketing Collective, we are committed to helping you navigate this landscape, crafting video content strategies that resonate with your audience and drive engagement. Embrace video's power and transform how you communicate with your investors.


Let's connect to discuss your video content creation!

Contact Us today to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation. Where we can discuss your needs and explore new opportunities.

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