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Crafting a content strategy that helps your business grow

Digital Marketing Collective - Crafting a content strategy that helps your business grow

Introduction to crafting a content strategy

In today's digital era, a well-crafted content strategy is essential for businesses looking to convert their target audience into loyal customers.

It requires time, effort, and creativity to create content that resonates with your audience and guides them towards conversion.

In this latest Digital Marketing Creative blog, we will explore the key steps and strategies for creating a content strategy that drives conversions and increases your business's bottom line through content.

Understanding your target audience

Before diving into content creation, it's essential to analyse and understand your target audience.

By defining your audience and conducting thorough research, you can develop personas or avatars that will serve as the foundation for your content strategy. The content you create will be more effective when it is tailored to the needs and interests of your personas.

To get started, ask yourself these 3 very simple questions:

  • Who are your target audience?

  • What are their pain points, challenges and goals?

  • What value does your content deliver to them?

Understanding these factors will help you create content that resonates with your audience and will provide value. If there is no value there is no engagement!

Setting clear objectives and goals for your content strategy

To effectively measure the success of your content strategy, it's crucial to set clear objectives and goals.

By aligning your content strategy with your overall business objectives, you can focus on creating content that drives conversions.

Many people actually did not know that you set goals to content, I have heard this time and time again. What you need to keep in mind is the fact what type of content are you creating and how are you delivering that content.

If you content is mainly blog posts then you should be setting 3 simple goals:

  • Page views

  • Increased traffic

  • Time on page

If your content is videos then you should be setting these 3 simple goals:

  • Watch time

  • Sharing

  • Paying attention to where the video gets the most engagement during playing

Mapping the customer journey

Understanding your target audience's journey is crucial for crafting content that guides them towards conversion.

By mapping the customer journey, you can create a seamless experience that leads to higher conversions. The customer journey is a series of steps that someone follows from the first time they hear about your company to when they become a loyal customer.

Creating content that aligns with each step will help your audience move through the journey faster, which in turn leads to higher conversions.

Here are some examples of different types of content you can create for each step:

  • Blog posts: Introduce yourself and your brand’s value proposition; explain why people should care about what you have to say

  • Videos: Show how easy it is for customers to use your product or service

  • Infographics: Break down complex information into digestible pieces

  • Social media updates (Facebook, Twitter): Announce new products or services

  • LinkedIn Updates: To establish your credibility as an expert in a given subject.

Crafting compelling and engaging content

One of the key elements of a successful content strategy is creating content that captivates and engages your audience.

You as a content creator can explore various techniques, such as storytelling, emotional appeal, and visual elements, to make your content more compelling.

By using a story format throughout your content, you can keep readers engaged and increase the likelihood of conversion.

Think we sometimes do forget that we are natural story tellers, we have been drawing on cave walls since the dawn of time. It is only natural that we continue to follow that flow. But I have seen all to often how businesses have failed at delivering value through a story.

Optimising content for search engines

To ensure your content reaches its intended audience, it's essential to optimise it for search engines.

We all have heard that we need to create content for SEO and the content we are creating is SEO friendly and is loaded with keywords.

But in 2023 this has become more and more apparent for SEO as more and more businesses start to create more and more content it is imperative that your content that is well researched with relevant keywords. Making sure that your metadata is correct and don't forget that all important alt tags for images.

But when does comes to SEO for your content, if you put in the ground work the content will be indexed and found of value.

Distribution and promotion strategies

Creating great content is not enough; you also need to effectively distribute and promote it to reach your target audience.

There are various distribution channels, such as:

  • Social media

  • Email marketing

  • Paid promotion

  • 3rd Party distribution

  • Influencer collaborations

  • User-Generated Content

Utilising these channels will really help your content to find the right people and you also must not forget that all important value add, the more value add it has the more it will be shared.

Monitoring and measuring success

Measuring the success of your content strategy is crucial for making data-driven decisions and optimising for better results.

As much as most of us hate looking at analytics it is important that you come to grips with them as this will help you make key decisions on what to create and where to distribute it.

Some of the key metrics to explore are the following:

  • Website analytics

  • Conversion tracking

  • Heatmaps/Scroll data

  • Read time/Page duration

  • Social engagements/Shares/Likes

By regularly analysing data, you can identify areas for improvement and make adjustments to increase conversions.

Continuous improvement and adaptation

Content strategies should be agile and adaptable to ever-evolving market trends and customer needs.

Now dependant on the content that are different ways that you can improve your content, here are a few examples:

  • Email marketing - A/B testing of subject lines/content/images

  • Social media - Try different types of content images/video/text

  • Social media - Also try the latest features being rolled out to see how your audience engages with your content

  • Analytics - Review the analytics and make changes accordingly

  • User feedback - Get feedback on larger pieces that you create such as white papers

  • Stay informed - Keep up with latest trends and news, your content could be created and shaped around trending topics

By consistently adapting your content strategy, you can stay ahead of the competition and maintain a high conversion rate.


Crafting a content strategy that helps your business convert requires careful planning, creativity, and constant evaluation. By understanding your audience, setting clear goals, creating engaging content, optimising for search engines, and promoting strategically, you can drive conversions and achieve your business objectives.

Remember, the key to success is continuous improvement and adaptation. Start implementing these strategies today and watch your business thrive in the digital landscape.

One final piece to take away: Do not create for content for content sake, create content with intent and value!


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