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5 Reasons why email marketing works

Updated: Jul 13, 2023

Digital Marketing Collective - 5 Reasons why email marketing works


If you're reading this, your email is likely open in a browser tab. You might click on links and make purchases, but chances are you would rather not be bothered by emails. As a marketer, that's both good news and bad news. On the one hand, it means that your audience will see your message in their inboxes (which is where most people read messages from companies). But on the other hand—and this is where things get tricky—it also means that people don't want to receive too many emails from brands they don't care about or know well.

People read their emails.

People read their emails.

People check their emails several times a day, on their phones and tablets as well as computers. They check them before they start work, during breaks, and after work. They also check them when they wake up in the morning, during their commute and even before bed at night!

Email marketing is accessible.

Email is a global communication channel. It's easy for people to communicate with each other and send emails wherever they are in the world. Email marketing allows you to reach out to your audience at any time and anywhere, whether they're on their phone or at work, as long as they have access to an email address.

Digital Marketing Collective - 5 Reasons why email marketing works

Email marketing is effective because it's cheap and easy for businesses who don't have much budget but still want to reach out to customers through email campaigns that tell stories about their product/service offerings without being pushy about sales (which can lead people away from your brand).

Email marketing has an affordable cost.

Email marketing is a relatively cheap way to reach your customers. Compared to other forms of marketing, email marketing is very cost effective. Compared to other forms of advertising, email marketing is very cost effective.

Email marketing is a very cost effective way to reach your customers. Compared to other forms of advertising, email marketing is very cost effective. Email marketing is a relatively cheap way to reach your customers. Compared to other forms of marketing, email marketing is very cost effective. Compared to other forms of advertising, email marketing is very cost effective.

It's easy to establish credibility with email campaigns.

Email marketing is a great way to establish your brand and build trust with customers.

Your email campaigns are an opportunity for you to show that you are listening to the needs of your audience, which will help build loyalty in the long run. In fact, according to a study by HubSpot[3], "the more personal an email feels, the more likely it will be read." This can be done through personalisation or even just being friendly in tone!

Email is an effective way to reach your customers and develop relationships with them

Email marketing is a great way to build a relationship with your customers.

Email marketing is a great way to stay in touch with your customers.

Email marketing is a great way to get feedback from your customers and prospects, who are more likely to respond than when you call them or reach out via social media channels such as Facebook or Twitter.


Email is an effective way to reach your customers and develop relationships with them. It's also easy to establish credibility with email campaigns, since people tend to trust messages from brands they know well. Plus, email marketing has an affordable cost compared to other types of advertising media like TV commercials or billboards. If you want more information about how we can help your company grow through effective use of this powerful tool then contact us today!


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